
Are blogs about fashion really necessary

This write-up is for all you lovely and beautiful ladies out there, swiping left on your smartphones, trying to catch up on what’s trending in the world of fashion. Blogs about fashion are being hailed by the world as the savior we all need, the solution to all our fashion woes, and rightly so.

There has been some debate as to whether these blogs telling us what to wear, how to wear it, and when to wear are necessary at all? But before you close any blog window on your phone or your browser, let’s tell you why we think they are important. Do we need fashion blogs? Hell, yeah! We need them more than ever. We need them just like we need our bae to gossip. We need them just like the world needs Oprah.


These blogs didn’t exactly take the world by a storm when they started way back in the early to mid-2000s. Back then, fashion gurus and designers did not fathom the level of popularity that these blogs would attain popularity and the power they will have of influencing people. Fashion bloggers came to us as the disruptive technology that the world of fashion need. Fashion blogs have now infiltrated the once restricted industry by sharing with the readers their own opinions and ideas.


Blogs or ‘weblogs’ are like the personal virtual diaries of individuals who have taken it upon themselves to let fashion ideas flow freely into the world.  The job of educating people about fashion used to be a task that journalists and retailers used to take on themselves. Before the era of blogs, we were dependent on fashion magazines to tell us what’s in vogue and by the time our glossy copy landed in our hands, chances were that the fashion circuit was already working on their next season collection. And then came the fashion blogs.

On blogs about fashion, we had people posting about their outfits, reviewing the latest in accessories, makeup, clothes, and the lot. As the audience base of these blogs increased, they were looked upon as a gateway into the world of fashion; a gateway that the consumer or the trader could enter freely.

They have had a tremendous change in traditional fashion media, making it clear that these blogs are essential for dispensing fashion news. The increasing popularity and their vast reach of the audience have made the blogging space evolve. Now we have dynamic websites, multiple social media pages managed by trusted stylists and consultants.


Let’s see why we need these blogs. The influential fashion bloggers bring trends as well as brands to us; brands that we like, brands that are relatable to the readers, and trends that are as hot as fire. So, a fashion blog would tell us about the most talked-about piece on the Paris Fall Collection, and where we can get a similar piece. It gives us a trusted expert opinion on whether we should invest in that particular piece and about the kind of body types it would look great on.

Some of these blog posts may have sponsored content that talks about a particular brand but the blogger gives the write-up their voice and point of view. You would rather trust the world of a fashion blogger than going by the advertisement of that particular brand in a fashion magazine.  Everything has gone digital and while we are searching for recipes online and finding our dates online, why not find out about the latest fashion trends online as well!

They give us a new and valuable point of view and they segue seamlessly into the fashion world not just for fashion enthusiasts but also for models and designers. These blogs are an influential voice about the latest trends in the world of fashion.  A lot of blogs also offer sales referrals and discount coupons to their readers for various brands along with giving them fashion tips.

Most of the top fashion bloggers write a blog after doing their bit of research. Fashion bloggers can be seen attending fashion shows, couture galas since they keep a tab on what’s hot by collaborating with designers and people in the fashion world to get their opinions.

But from the myriad of choices that you see on the web, let’s tell you about some of the treasures you can discover on different types of fashion blogs:


All fashion blogs will tell you how you can dress to impress and what’s trending but some of these will do you one better. They will give you a peek into the latest fashion trends and will tell you how you can get the same look without burning a hole in your pocket.

How good is that?

Most of the time, they will also give you the link to web pages where you will be able to find pieces that will help you in recreating a similar look but at a significantly lesser price. These fashion blogs will not just tell you about the clothes that are in fashion but they will also create a complete ensemble for you; right from picking out accessories and shoes to telling you about the kind of makeup that will go well with your attire.

Though these fashion blogs do have a brand collaboration sometimes for the product they talk about, it is entirely up to you to pick that particular brand or not. The million-dollar outfit inspiration that you get from these blogs comes at no price!



New and would-be moms are often at their wits’ end, trying to decide how to dress comfortably and look stylish at the same time.

There are maternity stores with their aisles chock-a-block full of maternity wear but they do not tell you how you can style those clothes to perfection.

When you are an expecting mom, along with handling your swollen toes and mood swings, you don’t want to add handling your closet troubles on your list of woes.

That’s where a mommy fashion blog comes to the rescue. These blogs will tell you how you can dress according to the stage of your pregnancy. Pregnancy fashion has now got a completely new face with these blogs.


These blogs are for those divas that also have an artist inside them.

The tips, tutorials, and DIY videos on these blogs will help you renovate and revamp your closet using clothes that you already own but do not wear for various reasons.



If you haven’t been able to attend the Paris Fashion Week or missed the Lakme Fashion week, fret not. These ‘couture’ fashion blogs will give you a sneak peek into the work of every fashion designer who presented their work, while also letting you know who got the thumbs-up and which collections were an eyewash. Whether the designer clothes you see in boutiques at fashion hot spots of the town are worth blowing your wallet on, is something that the ‘couture’ fashion blog is going to tell you.


You’ve heard of people flipping houses, and just like they turn those houses into something modern while keeping the essence intact, vintage fashion blogs give you ideas about how you can flip vintage clothes.

If you have raided your mom’s closet recently or have come into possession of some heirloom clothes or jewelry pieces, these blogs will tell you how you make the best of your treasures. That old wedding dress from the ’80s can be jazzed up by

changing the lace at the hem or chopping off the sleeves of an old dress that your grandma wore in the ’60s can turn it into a bedazzling prom dress.


These blogs will let you in on what goes with what. So, if you have just bought a great dress but are at a loss as to how to style it, these blogs will tell you everything.

The kind of accessories you should use; right from bags and jewelry, to the shoes that you must wear. They will also guide you about the makeup and hairstyling tips you can follow to look just perfect.


These fashion blogs tell about the fashion boutiques in particular areas. Again, a sponsored post in some cases but, at other times, these blogs are like a review site that tell you all you would want to know about a boutique or a clothing store.

Right from telling you all about the good deals you can get there to what it is that you must buy from a particular store; these fashion blogs tell you everything. Sometimes fashion startups get associated with top fashion bloggers to help grab more eyeballs. It’s a win-win situation for everyone; the brand gets a promotion, the blogger gets to talk about what’s new in town, and the readers lap up all the information about a new fashion joint and new trends as well.


Style influencers do not have a dedicated fashion blog outside of social media platforms like Instagram, but their social media pages offer a lot of fashion information.

They are called style influencers as the products or styles endorsed by them on their page become a scared word for their followers.

Though these influencers get paid by the brands they endorse on their page, they are their style director. The way they wear these clothes and give a complete outfit inspiration to their followers is what makes them popular.

Their sponsored posts are earmarked, and you can always choose to buy the same or a similar-looking product by another brand.

You must have now got quite some idea about why these fashion blogs are necessary for anyone who

wishes to dress well and needs just a little or maybe more guidance about fashion from someone with an updated fashion sense. Just like a woman can never have enough clothes, you can never have enough fashion blogs as every blogger brings to you, his or her perspective about fashion. You do not need to emulate the tips given on these blogs since these blogs are just a guideline that you can follow.

They inform you about the latest fashion products; the good and the bad both. Their fashion recommendations and styling tips can help you take your ensemble from just ‘meh’ to amazing.

Fashion blogs are trendsetters as they introduce new collections, give their recommendations that sometimes may influence you to revamp your closet and even your style. A  typical fashion blog deals with lots of categories like clothes,  accessories,  apparel market trends,  including haute couture,  prêt-à-porter,  etc. They bring to us celebrity fashion tastes and the high street fashion trends that stimulate our fashion palate.

The number of bloggers in the USA alone are expected to grow to more than 40 million in 2020, and if we go by these blogging statistics, fashion blogs are here to stay. Their presence is relevant, and their number is steadily on the rise.

Although it may be hard to count the exact number of blogs there are today, one thing’s for sure: we’ll soon be touching a count of 1 billion blogs. If that doesn’t say anything about how fashion blogs are a much-needed fashion accessory, we don’t know what will!


We hope that we have managed to convince you about how blogs about fashion are an absolute must for the world of fashion to extend its reach. If yes, then do subscribe to our blogs about fashion for more such intriguing tit-bits, tips and advice, and a whole lot of fun ideas about fashion.

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