Living a luxury lifestyle on a budget

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read these two words – a luxury lifestyle? The high-flying lifestyle of millionaires, billionaires, or Hollywood stars!

A private charter jet, a high-end yacht, an expensive business class ticket on Singapore Airlines, a high-end Rolex watch, Gucci sneakers, a Louis Vuitton handbag, dining in the most expensive restaurant, or a stay in the priciest hotel in the country, aka Moana Lani in Urban Honolulu!

Or is it the experience of sitting in a business class in any Airline, a prized and memorable dinner event with the family at a top restaurant in your city, a designer purse from a local brand?

Or better still, just a simple bunch of fresh flowers in the room, a hand-made artisan wooden frame, a stay at an eco-friendly resort?


luxurious lifestyleLuxury is something that is not common – it could be a product, a service, a feeling, or an experience. Anything that you cannot afford, monetarily and practically every day, can be termed as a luxury.

The word has different interpretations for different people.

Generally speaking, luxury is associated with quality products, unique concepts, high prices, and amazing experiences.

Lifestyle is how you go about living your daily life. What are the things you do? What do you wear? How do you travel? What and where do you eat? What do you drink? What kind of furniture do you have? What routine do you follow? 

There are innumerable components to our lifestyle. Every small little thing that is part of our daily living impacts our lifestyle.

What you choose to make part of your life is a decision that you need to take. In the end, these are the products and services that are going to determine whether you have a luxury lifestyleor not.

Since luxury is more about an experience, and a feeling, you need to choose things that make you feel the best, happiest, elated, satisfied, deserving, and so on.

When you focus on treating yourself to the best things in life, as much as your pocket allows, you can be sure of living a luxurious life without a big budget!

As the saying goes, ‘Live life like a King’ but do so within your means. Or else, you will keep working like a slave and never get to enjoy the essence of the lifestyle that you worked so hard to get.


luxury lifestyle without big budgetThe focus of the blog today is to get that luxurious lifestyle that you have always aspired for – to do it in a way that does not pinch your pocket.

This means that you get the luxury brands that you have always dreamt of but in a budgeted manner. You have to be creative.You need to strategize well and plan it properly to get there.

Arbitrary work will not help in getting you a luxury lifestyle – there has to be a concerted and dedicated effort – from setting a goal to planning it out, to be innovative and original, you need to treat this as a project on hand!

Let’s assume that you have always aspired to have the Mercedes-Benz C-Class standing in the driveway of your home. More than a status symbol, possession of this luxury item is a dream for you.

It is an experience that you wish to go through in this lifetime! It is a lifestyle dream for you. You have two choices to get there:

Option 1– earn and save as much. It could take years, at times, unfortunately – a lifetime of hard work and struggle. And many times, it remains unfulfilled.

Option 2 – take it as a project; earn and look for ways to get one affordably. So, maybe you could buy a second-hand Mercedes-Benz C-Class car – fulfill your dream and get it at reasonable prices!

Some creative ways to enjoy the greatest luxury in life.


LUXURY HOTELS AND DESTINATIONSA very practical way to enjoy the best things in life! Why should only the millionaires and the billionaires of the world have all the fun?

You can plan your vacations – annual, or weekly during the off-season when most hotel chains, including the high-end and premium ones, offer attractive discounts.

Another smart thing to do is to book your holidays much in advance. Hotels, and airlines, including the big names in the industry, offer the best rates when you make your bookings 6 months or a year before.

Do it in a planned manner.


ENROLL FOR PRODUCT TESTINGYou could sign up for product testing. Some brands offer free luxury experiences – this means it does not cost you any money; instead, you get to experience the product or service and then give your feedback.

Being a part of the consumer testing group is not an easy affair, though. You are responsible for giving honest reviews and feedback.

But, the pros are many – you get to live the luxurious life that you have always wanted, as well as, keep back the free items, whether you love them or hate them.


INEXPENSIVE CRUISEIf you are looking at enjoying a luxurious cruise, the best option is not to go and look for cheap luxury cruises – you will not get one.

The right thing to do is to wait for attractive deals to come through.

True, luxury is the high-end cruise lines. If you are looking to experience one such journey, go in for all-inclusive packages that are often cheaper than the al-carte rates.

Luxury cruises are usually a week and longer. Often, they stretch up to months. But, since there are budgetary constraints for you, and you wish to enjoy a luxurious cruise, go in for the shorter cruises. You can also book early, take advantage of discounted deals from your favorite brands or book in a group to enjoy a life-changing experience.


DESIGNER ITEMS FROM RENTAL STORES ONLINEIf you look closely, you will find many online fashion retail shops that offer various designer items, especially like designer outfits on rent.

The rental amount varies depending on the brand and the duration for which you take.

The most joyous part is that you get to wear your dream brands, with excellent costume design at a fraction of the market prices.


One thing good about international premium brands – the top ones – is that they keep launching newer items every season.

In the process, they often ship the overstock items from previous seasons and years to their retail outlets.

These are then sold at amazingly discounted prices. They have clearance sales where you can get some best offers.

For example, you can find items that come at 70% less than the original price. Isn’t that incredible?

Many of your colleagues, bosses, friends, and relatives are living their luxury dreams by choosing to smartly invest in discounted options.


fitness and wellnessWant to treat your skin to a luxurious spa massage or buy skin products from a famed brand? Here, exorbitantly high prices can be a big demotivator.

One of the best things to do is to look out for discounted deals on the services – all brands announce once in a while.

From introductory offers to complimentary massages and classes, there are lots that happen behind-the-scenes. Just keep yourself updated, if you are luxury brand conscious, and you will surely find deals that fit your budget.


restaurant style foodIf you love to dine out and at some of the most expensive restaurants in your city, if you are crazy about a celebrity chef’s cooking style, it is time that you learn the art too.

It will save you tones of money each year while ensuring that you treat your family to some of the most delectable food on weekends and special days.

The next time that you need to entertain friends and colleagues, you can confidently do so at your home—cooking your favorite food – serving them  at home! delicious and cozy restaurant-style dinner


sample sizesIf you are a shopaholic, you will have a fair idea about the great places to get free sample products from luxury brands.

Say, for example, you could try Sephora.

When you shop here, you get miniature samples, especially perfumes, or skin products from top brands. It is one of the best ways to experience a high-end brand.


replica productsOne good option to enjoy your favorite brands is to splurge on replica products. There are many stores online that sell the good quality of duplicate products.

The finish is so precise, that even the most trained eyes are unable to detect the difference.

The prices are amazing, making them some of the best finds for a lifetime.


experimental modelOne excellent way to get a free massage or a make-up done from the most prized spa or beauty studio in the city is to become an experimental model.

Starting with free samples, there are free trials and demos that institutes and organizations carry out for their new students and recruits.

As a model, you will be invited for demos, making it a good opportunity to relax and enjoy the experience.


Loved our ideas for enjoying a luxury lifestyle? Subscribe to our blog to continue to read to such interesting content. We regularly update our website to bring you the best content in the industry.

Where to find better clothing for less

In today’s fashion blog post, we will talk about finding the best clothing on budget. We all want finer things in life. We love to fill our wardrobes with designer quality clothes. Luxury fashion clothing is something that most of us aspire for, but the price can be a big demotivator.

The apparel retail industry is worth over USD 1.34 trillion per year. Statisticians put this value as equivalent to the combined GDP of 126 poor countries on the planet. And surprisingly, it is larger than the Italian economy!

If this was not enough, look at this fact – in 2016, there were 107 billion apparel units bought by human beings. This means that every person on this Earth brought about 13 garments in the year.

By 2021, this figure is estimated to go up by almost 13%. Considering that almost 10% of the global population lives on less than $1.9 per day, imagine the quantity of apparel being bought by those who can afford to do so!

The top 10 countries in terms of apparel retail sales are China, the US, India, Japan, Germany, UK, Russia, France, Italy, and Brazil. Customers from these ten countries constitute almost three-fourth of the apparel market.

Where to Find Better Clothing for Less?

Clothing for LessBefore we venture into the ways to buy better clothing for less, we need to understand two important aspects. The first is about Quality, and the other is about Price.

What is quality?

The characteristic attribute of a product by virtue, of which there is a guarantee of excellence, is called quality.


QUALITY CLOTHINGWhy do you look for good quality clothes? Because when you wear quality clothing, you feel nice about yourself; you feel confident and self-assured.

But, does the guarantee of quality come from wearing branded clothes only? Surely, not!

When you choose to go in for quality apparel, you are investing in clothes that you intend to wear for a long time. It means that you look for durability and reliability.

It also means buying garments that have been made ethically, that are healthy for your skin, and the planet. Since famous and leading brands promise all of these, people equate quality products with branded items.

However, remember that you can get the desired quality at a neighbourhood shop – in a local market also – as long as best practices have been kept in mind during the making process.


High-quality clothes because they are made with a finesse that makes you feel good, nice, and confident.

Quality products as they last for a longer time. Meaning, you do not need to splurge your money regularly.

Durable clothing so that you can keep your wardrobe less stuffy and overflowing.


BUYING QUALITY CLOTHINGYou should be looking for three characteristics when you purchase expensive clothing in high-quality.

  • Fabric & texture quality – Stick with natural fabrics. Pure 100% natural materials are good for your skin, supreme in comfort, and extremely high on durability. So, stick to quality items.
  • Make, stitching and construction – Make sure that the finishing, both inside and outside, are done finely; for example, when you buy top-stitched quality clothing, make sure that the thread is smooth and fibreless.

– Country of origin – some countries are known for offering excellent quality of garments, and some are known for their average make. Often, looking at the tag helps understand whether it is a good buy or not.

There are some quality myths that most of us have. Let us look at some of them.

  1. An expensive price tag is a guarantee of superior quality.
  2. The same fabric from different textile manufacturers is of the same quality.

  3. Bigger brands mean better quality clothing.


BUYING HIGH-QUALITY GARMENTS FOR LESS‘Less’ is not always about cheap. Yes, for generic purposes, less does mean low-cost; however, if you analyze properly, ‘less’ means cost-effective.

Let us see how.


RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRICE AND QUALITYAs we saw earlier, one of the myths we spoke about was the relationship between price and quality.

Good quality does not mean expensive clothing. Quality and price may or may not walk hand-in-hand.

While most premium and high-end garments available today come at phenomenally high prices, it is not always the case.

The point is simple – You need to be one hundred percent sure that the product you are buying matches the three factors mentioned above. (How to Make Sure You Are Buying Quality Clothing?)


LESS IS NOT NECESSARILY LOW-COSTJust like quality is a subjective term. Similarly, a certain price may seem completely affordable to you but expensive for a friend of yours.

Interpret it in this manner. Buying garments that cost you a decent amount of money or even a little on the higher side is a good decision as long as you intend to use it for years without replacing or discarding it after a couple of wear.

This way, it turns out to be a cost-effective decision. We come back to durability once again. Spending a little more to buy a product that comes with a promise of being there for a long time is wise.

Even if you are in the habit of splurging your money regularly, your wardrobe will consist of high-quality clothes, all guaranteed to occupy their place in the closet for a long time.


LESS IS ABOUT MAKING WISE AND CONSCIOUS CHOICESBefore we understand why we should be conscious buyers, look at these statistics:

  1. As per the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there was about 11.9 million tons of textile waste in the US in 2015.
  2. All of these wastes end in landfills.

  3. Can you believe it is almost 750 times the waste produced in 1960?

This is an eye-opening disclosure. Every American is responsible for producing about 75 pounds of textile waste each year.

You have to be conscious and responsible when splurging on garments and textiles.

When you buy, take a moment to answer these questions:

  1. Do I like that fabric?
  2. Will I wear this for quite some time?

  3. Is the fabric thick enough to last long?

  4. Is there spare fabric at the ends?

  5. Are the stitches evenly done?

  6. Is it a high maintenance fabric? Can I maintain it?

To summarize ‘less’ is not cheap! Let’s get this clear – you do not have to buy cheap clothes.

Shop for garments that are essentially quality pieces that can be in your wardrobe for a long time!

Where to Shop for Quality Clothing?

Where to Shop for Quality?We now come to the question – which is a great place to buy good quality garment pieces at best deals?

Luckily, we are living in a world where there is no dearth of choices. There is also an abundance of information and knowledge shared, so that we can make a wise decision.

For a rewarding shopping session, research well; take advantage of the offline and online mediums.

If you are someone who loves fashion and believes in trendy attire, make sure that back your purchase with profound information.

This is a serious business – the act of buying premium quality garments for less. Do no treat it lightly; keep the fun element infused though, always to make it a worthwhile experience.

Here are some of the tips to buy quality items at great deals


SHOP ONLINEThe online platform is a great place to buy desirable quality products and clothes at handsome prices. You also get to enjoy great deals.

Online shopping is also a matter of convenience. While most women love to experience the joys of shopping at malls and also indulge in window shopping, the online medium offers a scope of a different kind.

You get all kinds of brands here. From the popular to the not-so-heard-of, premium to average brands, plain or quality colored clothes – online sellers have wider choices at lower prices.

One of the best things about shopping online is buying some fabulously made garments at discounted prices.

Since most retailers online do not have the additional burden of space costs, they can offer handsome discounts on the market price.


HAVE PATIENCEWell, patience is the key to many things in the world. One of them is to get guaranteed quality clothes – top-notch lines at best prices.

In this case, patience is required for the best names in the industry to announce discounts.

If budget is an issue but quality required is topmost, wait for the opportune time.

The best partis that online and brick-and-mortar niche stores come up with sale discounts, promotional offers, festival discounts, clearance sales, and so on.

This is the right time to purchase that exotic dress and get it cheap.


VISIT A RESALE SITEThe best part about shopping online is that you have access to innovations galore!

For example, in line with reusability and recycling at the resale sites, you can find some great stuff at reasonable prices.

If you love sustainability, you will find this a versatile option – you can find higher quality clothes at very affordable prices.

When you outgrow the dress, you can always choose to donate it or resell it.


FIND INCREDIBLE LOW- COST CLOTHING RETAILERS REPUTED FOR QUALITYQuality pieces from some famous retailers, popular for offering great options at low-cost, are another alternative to buying better clothing for less!

These are retailers that offer regular attractively discounted prices. It is not that they have promotional sales offers running. So, you do not have to wait for a discount offer.

With budget-friendly prices, you can buy some mainstream and designer brands known for excellence in quality. Try out stores like T.J. Maxx, 6 PM, and RueLa La. Keep an eye on clothing coverage.


When you are looking at buying quality items, you need to make choices that include things like fair labor and trade, eco-friendliness, and sustainability.

Yes, price is important, but that does not mean that you need to spend an excessive amount on buying garments. Use our tips mentioned in the fashion blog post here for buying top quality products at budget-friendly prices. Just look for a great option.

We strive to keep bringing some amazing and interesting content to the fashion niche. If you have loved this blog of ours on finding the best clothes for less, do subscribe. We will help you stay on the top of the latest news from the fashion industry, always!